Mileage refers to the distance a vehicle can travel and is commonly used in two main contexts:
1. Fuel Efficiency (Miles per Gallon – MPG)
- Definition: In this context, mileage indicates how far a vehicle can travel on one gallon of fuel. It’s a measure of fuel efficiency.
- Expression: For gasoline or diesel vehicles, it’s usually expressed as miles per gallon (MPG). For electric vehicles (EVs), it’s often given as miles per kilowatt-hour (miles/kWh).
- Example: If a car achieves 30 MPG, it means it can travel 30 miles for every gallon of fuel consumed.
2. Total Distance Traveled
- Definition: Mileage can also refer to the total number of miles a vehicle has driven over its entire lifetime.
- Example: If a car has “50,000 miles of mileage,” it means it has traveled a total of 50,000 miles since it was first used.
In short, mileage can refer to either fuel efficiency (how far you can go on a specific amount of fuel) or the total distance a vehicle has traveled over time.